Sunday, September 23, 2012

"Redistribution" - in Obama's own words

When someone tells you about themselves, shouldn't you believe them?

"I actually believe in redistribution"
Barack Obama, Oct 19, 1998

Melissa Viscomi
Upper Uwchlan GOP

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

2016: Obama's America

This weekend, my family and I took the time to see "2016: Obama's America" in the movie theater.

Dr. Dinesh D'Souza's production is an exceptional work. The cinematography is rich and engaging as he delivers a story that showcases his own life as an immigrant and the details of President Obama's life. The movie outlines Dr. D'Souza's theory of why he and Obama have such a differing conclusions about America, it's historical role in the world and it's future place in the global economy. This film is a non-partisan work, and I don't recall hearing the labels of Democrat or Republica in the film.

If you haven't taken the time, don't miss it and don't delay. It's been in the theaters a long time, and may soon leave the big screen. Encourage your friends and neighbors to go along with you, and use the move to open up dialogue about where America is headed under the current administration's leadership.

Please feel free to leave your comments below this post, as we all benefit from each others insights.

Dr. D'Souza makes a key observation:
           Nothing can rob the future quite as much as
        the debts of the past.

Upper Uwchlan GOP
Melissa Viscomi

Friday, September 14, 2012

"Empty Promises: Debt & Deficits"

National debt should be a big concern for all Americans.

In his owns words, our President can talk the talk.

Melissa Viscomi
Upper Uwchlan GOP

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Talk is cheap. Our national debt isn't.

It's happened. The national debt has crossed the $16,000,000,000,000 mark.

In the time you spent viewing this video, The US Debt Clock spun through another million dollars. That's an additional MILLION DOLLARS in national debt in less than a minute.

Something's got to change. 

Melissa Viscomi
Upper Uwchlan GOP

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Upper Ucwhlan Friends,

When you make a purchase in the Official Romney-Ryan Store, you help get the message out in two ways: You showcase your support to your friends and neighbors, and your donation provides the funds needed to reach undecided voters. And for the next two days, everything in the store is 20 percent off with the code WithMitt20.

Take a look:

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Melissa Viscomi
Upper Uwchlan GOP

P.S. Here's the link to an excellent RNC video "We've Heard It All Before". Share it with your friends.

Monday, September 10, 2012

"We've Heard It All Before"

The election in 2008 lead to higher energy costs, less transparency, more unemployment, more underemployment, bigger government.... 

Why would the American People believe that electing the same person in 2012 would lead to a different result?

Please don't forget his promises from 2008. Please don't let other forget either. Share this and spread the reminder.

Are you better off?

Melissa Viscomi
Upper Uwchlan GOP

Saturday, September 8, 2012

58 Days till the election

The National Conventions are now a part of national history, and The Electorate has less then two months before electing the next POTUS.

Americans are increasingly spending more time online, so let's examine the candidates website traffic to gain some insights. is ranked #307, by Unique Views
Total Unique Visitors to the site: 5.4MM
New Unique Visitors in the last month: 700,000 - nearly 13% of all site traffic

As the chart shows, the nation is engaging with And that online engagement is growing at a steady pace.

_____________________________________  .vs  ______________________________________ is ranked #1,435, by Unique Views
Total Unique Visitors to the site: 1.4MM
New Unique Visitors in the last month: 570,000 - over 40% of all site traffic!

American's are actively considering Mitt as a candidate. Take note of the sharp lift on the end of the curve as it's ready to head off into tomorrow. 

WARNING: The starting points for these graphs show Barack with roughly 2MM UVs, and Mitt starting with practically zero. We have a lot of work to do to help build Mitt's awareness.

Visit — Invite your friend's to do the same.The more Unique Visitors the better, as it will help build momentum.

Read about our candidate on his website. — Consider starting here Presidential Accountability Scorecard

Have your own "sound bites".  — Consider his past performance as a Governor. If some aspect of his past performance strikes a cord with you, tie that fact into your natural conversations: speaking with friends, posts on Social networks (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.), or consider emailing a link to the exact page where you learned the fact.

Take a look at Mitt Romney's scorecard vs. Barack Obama's scorecard.  — There's a big difference between the candidates. Performance — not hope — is critical.

Persuasion is a key element to winning an election. Be prepared to be persuasive as you share the truth about Mitt Romney.

~Melissa Viscomi
Upper Uwchlan GOP